JVM Memory info in MB - Used: 202 Free: 309 Total: 512 Max: 512
This Web application use Spring Security for protecting the endpoints, and that means
some of the pages/views are protected by a Login Form!
Take a look at the Web application by using the menu item "Show persons" or
login to admin persons using the link
Note: The Web applications 1-2 minutes initial load time is because I am using
Free App Service Plan at Microsoft Azure
because the work is for demonstration and testing purposes only!
This Java Spring Boot Rest API / MVC Web application was made by the following technology:
- Updated: 22-01-2025
- Migration from Java 8 to Java 11
- Spring Boot 2
- Visual Studio Code with the Microsoft Java Extension Pack
- Microsoft Azure App Service with a Free App Service Plan for web hosting
- JVM memory have been set to an alocation of 512 MB both initial and max because of the limited physial memory
- MySQL Database
- Datasource is Tomcat JDBC instead of default Hikari
- Spring Security for protecting some of the views by a Login
- Spring Boot Security Bcrypt Encoder for encoding password based on the
Blowfish cipher that generates a random salt while encoding passwords on a String
value with a lenght 60. Then the password are not stored in pain text!
- Rest API, MVC as well as a Service and JPA Repository layer
- Maven as build tool
- Hibernate for initializing the Database and implement JPA
- Hibernate Validator and Apache Commons Validater for server side form validation
- JSP for the View part ( GUI )
- Internal Rest Client is put inside a JSP View
- Bootstrap for the responsive design